Presentation of the project
The MIMNA project is an interdisciplinary action-research project, intersecting the Unaccompanied and Separated Children’s informational needs and the professionals’ transmission needs.
MIMNA Booklet
A visual and non-linguistic support to guarantee all Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) equal access to information, regardless of their linguistic, academic and cultural profiles, their French skills, language-culture of origin, the presence or not of an interpreter upon arrival.
To go further...
Livret MIMNA : un support visuel et non-linguistique pour garantir à tous les Mineurs non accompagnés (MNA)
On October 24, 2019
Apports de la (socio)linguistique appliquée pour la Médiation de l'Information à destination des MNA en France
On June 25, 2019