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Project leaders

This project was born thanks to the convergence of an expertise from the field (implementing intercultural approaches in particular by mean of a welcome booklet for UASC), a expertise from socio-linguistic applied to mediation in exolingual and intercultural context and an expertise from intercultural psychopathology with UASC.

Isabelle Estève is a lecturer in language sciences at the LIDILEM laboratory at the University of Grenoble-Alpes. She is a specialist in (socio-)linguistics applied to mediation in exolingual and intercultural contexts, and specifically in the context of deafness. His research is rooted in a dynamic research-action-training approach. She is involved in various training and research projects on the accessibility of information and mediation in various exolingual and intercultural professional contexts, where the issues of bi-plurilingualism, multimodality, literacy and interculturality are intertwined. She is also responsible for the program "médiations langagière et culturelle" of the Master of Language Sciences at the University of Grenoble-Alpes, which aims to train future professionals in mediation and accessibility. She is also responsible for DU Agents 114 for professionals working at the National Relay Centre for Emergency Calls for the Deaf (Centre National Relais 114).

Guillaume CORON is head of the Foyer de l'Enfance Sud Isère. In this context, where he has been working for 20 years, he has developed a field expertise rooted in a reflective professional practice on the migration phenomenon of minors in Europe. It has thus participated in several expert groups at national and European level: recommendations of good professional practices of the Agence Nationale de l'Evaluation Sociale et Médico-sociale (ANESM) for the reception and support of unaccompanied minors in France (2017), Council of Europe Handbook "How to convey child-friendly information to children in migration?" (2018); Council of Europe Compilation "Promoting child-friendly approaches/procedures in the area of migration" (2019, forthcoming). He is also the founder and manager of a personalised and individualised care service for adolescents who are unable (or no longer) to integrate into traditional foster homes because of the intensity of their personal and family difficulties and/or their psychological or psychiatric disorders. A graduate of Sciences Po Grenoble, he is also an international consultant in the field of migration, child protection and development aid.

In collaboration with:

Sydney Gaultier is an associate lecturer in clinical psychology at the University of Savoie Mont Blanc. He is a Doctor of Clinical Psychology and Pathology, specializing in cross-cultural clinical studies. At the same time, he has been a clinical psychologist in the field of child protection for many years. His writings focus on the management of UFM, adolescence and institutional clinic. As an associate member of the Interuniversity Laboratory of Psychology (LIP/PC2S, Grenoble/Chambéry), he participated in 2017 in the development of recommendations for good professional practices for the reception and support of unaccompanied minors in France (ANESM). He is also the initiator of several research projects and intervention mechanisms specific to UASCs. 

Submitted on January 25, 2024

Updated on January 25, 2024